Our U.S. and U.K. attorneys and barristers take a notable number of cases to trial every year, where we utilize seasoned skills in implementing the tactical and strategic measures that determine the success or failure of a case.
Our firm specializes in obtaining creditor judgments for clients seeking to enforce foreign judgments obtained in other states or outside the U.S., or U.K. altogether. Increasingly, unscrupulous businesspeople are taking advantage of less stringent credit checks being conducted by business partners in Europe and Asia. These bad actors are also benefitting from lax enforcement of money judgments in many jurisdictions around the world.
International companies that may appear legitimate (but are in fact not) are obtaining goods and services on forward payment or credit terms from U.S. firms and then fail to pay. Due to the status of the United States and particularly New York as a financial center, these companies often hold substantial assets in the U.S. The WLG can utilize its considerable legal and investigative facilities to track and identify the location of these debtor companies’ U.S. assets, and then proceed to enforce our clients’ judgments against those assets. We also represent clients in similar circumstances in courts and arbitration proceedings in the United Kingdom.
Our global network of attorneys allows the Whittier Law Group to appear, prosecute or defend our clients’ cases on virtually every continent of the globe. And while our attorneys have decades of experience before judge, jury or arbitration panel, the fact is that the overwhelming majority of litigation is resolved either through motion practice and/or settlement. It is our trial preparation and proactive discovery that helps us file more effective motions and obtain more favorable settlements on behalf of our clients.